Going away for the weekend...
So as anyone knows who has kids and loves them very much, occasionally Mom and Dad need a get away, a breather, a date, a glimmer back of what keeps them together as a couple. This getaway doesn't have to be glamorous or glitzy or to an exotic destination (not that that wouldn't be great) but it just needs to be a change of scenery, where the two of you can regroup, both together and by yourself. So we are taking such weekend tomorrow and coming back on Sunday. We are headed up to Big Fork and Whitefish and staying at a lodge on the lake. I love water by the way. I am very excited and will post pictures later. I will not be posting for the weekend as you can understand but I will be bringing business card as there are some great galleries and shops and you just never know. Wish me clear roads and for my cold not to get worse. thanks