Spring Studio Sale

So as most creative folks experience eventually supplies and product start to accumulate. Well I am at that point and having recently merged my husbands office with my studio (we converted his office to one of our daughters rooms) the space has become smaller. So because of need for more space and wanting to buy some more supplies....(shh I know I said more) I am having my biggest sale yet. I am marking down some of my original canvas art paintings. I am happy to say that one has already sold to a high school friend I recently reconnected with on facebook. So if you have wanted a piece now would be the time. I am marking them down for the month of Feb because in March I will be pulling a bunch for a local showing and I am hoping not to bring many back. I am also will consider reasonable offers on pieces, so please get ahold of me if you would like to discuss purchasing a painting.


Nice sale! You are not posting on your blog everyday! Do you know you can write up a blog post and "schedule" when you want it to be published? That way if you find that you have a block of time you can write 1 or 2 up and have them handy! :O)
pop art said…
Hi, I am interested in the painting posted in this post. I am wondering do you ship overseas? In my instance, the country is Malaysia.
Deana Mattos said…
hello, pop art, I can make arrangements to ship overseas. Which paintings are you interested in? I can get actual shipping costs for you. My shop policy is to receive payment for art and shipping before I can ship. http://bellacosaart.etsy.com This is my shop address where the paintings are listed for sale. Please look here. If you are still interested I will get actual shipping cost and send you the info and set up the payment through etsy, thanks for your interest.
Johnnie said…
I love your art it is very refreshing. I could see it as designer fabric, would make a beautiful prints for pillows

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